A bit of Australia
Australia is a huge continent. A selection of photographs illustrating the variety of landscapes.
Australia is a huge continent. A selection of photographs illustrating the variety of landscapes.
Last journey across Australia’s East Coast, through Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef.
Working in a Victoria state ski resort and making a decision for the future.
Lots of stars in my eyes as I wander around this paradise-like island in southern Australia.
Picking up vegetables during Tasmanian autumn and feeling a little out of step.
My head is boiling facing too many ideas, too many expectations, too many worries.
Harvesting raspberries in Tasmania and watching the days go by without realizing it.
Taking care of kangaroos and possums who are orphans or survivors of road accidents.
It is winter in Australia and the blueberry harvest is in full swing.
Things are improving for the best in a small village of New South Wales.
Questions about my relationship to travel and why I find it so hard to enjoy it.
Along the south coast of Australia, from Adelaide to Tumbarumba.
Volunteering on a small farm and change of perspective for the rest of the travel.
Relationship difficulties turn my experience at Arkaroola upside down.
Red dust, kangaroos, salt lake and wild bush. Discoveries of a particular land.
Working in a reserve-resort north of the Flinders Ranges.
Boat crossing from New Zealand to Australia and set foot in a known land.
After six months in Japan, I spend six weeks in Australia with my parents.